What’s Involved in LASIK Co-Management?

Since LASIK surgery was first approved by the FDA in 1999, approximately 10 million people in the U.S. have had this surgery according to Market Scope. Since the surgery is quite delicate, it can be overwhelming. There are two doctors involved: the LASIK surgeon and your eye doctor. They both work together to achieve the best outcome.


What Is LASIK Co-Management?


LASIK co-management is the process where your eye doctor works hand in hand with a LASIK surgeon. Your optometrist has the duty of providing you with all the information you need to make an informed decision and giving you the initial eye exam.

After making your decision, your eye doctor will refer you to a LASIK surgeon who will perform the surgery. The two experts must be in communication about your eye history and other records to come up with the best plan. This is also beneficial for your post-operative recovery plan.


Evaluation of LASIK Co-Management


During this stage, your eye doctor and LASIK surgeon will perform their comprehensive examination of your eyes independently. To start, your optometrist will perform a pre-operative test to determine if you are a suitable candidate for LASIK surgery. If the doctor concludes that you are a suitable candidate, he or she will refer you to a LASIK surgeon.

At this point, the LASIK surgeon will also perform their in-depth evaluation. They will check your vision, perform a detailed analysis of your cornea, and use 3D maps to determine your overall eye health. All these exams will evaluate your fitness to undergo LASIK surgery.


LASIK Co-Management Post-Operative Care


This is the stage when you will need proper care after a successful LASIK surgery. The same eye doctor who performed your pre-operative care will also perform your post-operative care and consultations. This period involves several factors.

There are recovery plans to adhere to, follow-up appointments with your LASIK surgeon, and other specific guidelines to follow like no rubbing of the eyes. However, since every person has different eyes, LASIK post-operative care will vary from person to person.


Recovery Stages


During the first 24 to 48 hours after the LASIK operation, you will need to visit your eye doctor to evaluate the healing progress and check your vision. Additionally, your optometrist in consultation with the LASIK surgeon will determine if there is a need for any refractive surgery or alterations to your recovery plan.

Follow-up appointments should be continued at least six months after your LASIK surgery. This is a cautionary measure to ensure that your recovery is going on as planned. Even after a successful LASIK co-managed surgery, it is imperative to have routine eye checkups to determine your eye health.

Other eye conditions such as cataracts, diabetic eye disease, macular degeneration, and glaucoma can be caught early during such checks. Getting co-managed LASIK surgery is an advantage to any patient. You can get the expertise of two medical experts to ensure that you get the best eye surgery results.


To know more about LASIK co-management, visit Optique Vision at our office in Albany, New York. You can also call (518) 302-2106 to book an appointment today.

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